St. Nicholas Monroeville Pascha Celebrations
Join us as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ on April 23-24, 2022.
Saturday, April 23
10:15 pm – Midnight Office Matins and continuation of Divine Liturgy.
Let’s enjoy dinner and drinks together. Padezan Brothers are making LAMB AND PIG, and you can bring your favorite side dish to share.
Contact Mary Jokola to share what you will bring:
Text: 412-417-0150
Call: 412-417-0150 (AFTER 5 PM)
Sunday, April 24
11:00 am – Paschal Vespers
Do you need a ride? We are planning to help coordinate with those who are unable to drive. Please contact Janet Pribanic at 412-860-5341 or to if you need help!
Please contact Mary by April 18th and share if you plan to attend dinner, your side dish, and number attending.
Thank you!